About Us
Kia Ora, welcome to Belle Secrets! We make our own personal care products and candles to use, share, or sell.
Our story started back in 2018 in our small apartment. Looking for something to do with my spare time in addition to home-baking, I decided to make my own lotions and creams. As with baking, all ingredients should be in very precise proportions, and because I like mixing and measuring things I enjoyed the process. My passion for baking had expanded my husband’s waistline - at least he attributed it to the baking, but I think it was a consequence of his beer drinking - and so I was looking for an alternative creative outlet to replace baking. Then I came across a youtube channel dedicated to candle making. I bought the materials, studied the process, and discovered I had a flare for candle-making.
Being an accountant, the inner-entrepreneur kicked in, and I saw an opportunity to turn my hobby into a source of supplementary income. I love selling my products as it allows me to share my creations and expand my operations. As demand has grown I have recognised the need to leverage e-commerce platforms and have used my experience in IT field to create my own website where I showcase my products.
Neither of our names is Belle, but Belle is French for beautiful, and the secret to being beautiful is to do what makes you happy.